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Scandal-mired Ukrainian deputy minister of interior steps down

Ukraine’s Deputy Minister of Interior Serhiy Chebotar has sent in his resignation. Chebotar’s statement of resignation is available on the website of the ministry.

The statement reads: "I have decided to resign due to the "persistent campaign" in the form of planted articles of slanderous nature spread by the media; due to the spread of untrue information that discredited not only my name but also the Ministry of Internal Affairs; due to pressure exerted on my family in the form of harassment, intimidation, threats and illegal spying upon me and my family, including my daughter and even four-year-old granddaughter.”

The high-ranking official refutes all the corruption charges brought against him and asks the Prosecutor’s Office to inquire into the corruption facts he is accused of.

Earlier on April 28, the unknown attacked a film crew of ZIK TV channel in the village of Lesniki, Kiev region. The journalists were preparing a news piece about the construction of a house (in the forest) that may belong to Chebotar’s family.  In the construction site the journalists noticed a Toyota with the state numbers АА5555АИ that belongs to Chebotar’s wife – Varvara. Later, a Volkswagen without a number plate approached the crew. Three men came out of it and seized the camera and the records and escaped.

Journalist recognized one of the men. They communicated with him earlier in the area of the house. It was Chebotar’s son-in-law. The police have already launched criminal proceedings over impeding legal professional activity of journalists. The negligence to the incident has already backfired on Arsen Avakov, Minister of the Interior of Ukraine.

As EADaily reported earlier, the Anti-Corruption Committee of the Supreme Rada has initiated his resignation.  Borislav Bereza, the head of the Committee, said the incident with Chebotar’s house was the last drop that made the cup run over.

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